Approved Policies

Section H: Negotiations

Section J: Students

J - CES - Bullying and Cyberbullying Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention - Approved December 2016
J - CES - Kindergarten Policy - Approved October 1995
JCA - SAU48 - Change of Class or School Assignment - Best Interests and Manifest Hardship - Approved December 2022
JFAB - CES - Admission of Tuition and Non-Resident Students - Approved October 2018
JH - CES - Attendance, Absenteeism and Truancy - Approved June 8, 2022
JI - CES - Student Rights and Responsibilities - Approved in 2023 Handbook
JIC - CES - Student Conduct - Approved in 2023 handbook
JICD - CES - Student Discipline and Due Process - Approved October 2021
JICFA - CES - Hazing  - Approved November 2016
JICI - Weapons Policy  - Approved in 2023-2024 Handbook
JICK - CES - Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Policy - Approved September 2016
JICL - SAU 48 - Student Acceptable Use Protocol  - Approved May 2020
JKAA - CES - Use of Restraints and Seclusion - Approved November 2023
JLC - CES - Student Health Services and School Nurses - Approved in 2023 handbook
JLCD - CES - Administering Medication to Students - Approved in 2023 handbook
JLCD- R - CES -  Procedures for Administering Medication to Students - Approved in 2023 handbook
JLCF - SAU 48  - Wellness Policy  - Approved May 2020
JLCJ - CES - Concussions and Head Injury Policy -  Approved December 2013
JLCJA - CES - Emergency Plan for Sports Related Injuries - Approved September 2023
JLDBB-CES - Suicide Prevention and Response - Approved September 2022
JLF - CES - Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect - Approved October 2021
JRA - SAU #48 - FERPA - Student Records and Access - Approved December 2018